Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another week gone by

Sometimes I can't believe how fast time is going. As a physicist I realize that time really isn't going any faster or slower, I am not moving at the speed of light or anything. But honestly how did I get to the point where I can say to people that in a week I will be full term?

I am 36 weeks pregnant on Monday. Huh?! How did that happen? Well, Kirstin, it is the end of April and you have been pregnant since August, so logically yes you are about 36 weeks pregnant. Stop wondering how, and embrace the fact that you will have a child in just a few short weeks.

This week was a good week. Last week I ordered a pack-and-play for Mini Coop in the event that she comes while we are still here in Lexington. It came yesterday. We have it set up and ready to go. I like having it in our room, though we hardly have any room to walk now. It reminds me that we are preparing for a new addition to our family. I also set up a hospital tour. We are doing that next week. This whole planning for delivery in two places makes Mini Coop's birth kind of interesting. I figure seeing at least one hospital is better than not seeing any.

Jimmy had his first final yesterday. He said it went relatively well. Tomorrow he has his second final. I think he is very ready to be done. I second the motion, but from the perspective of the teacher. I still have one week of classes left. I really want to be done (I know I already indirectly said that). Being pregnant, and knowing we are moving makes me want to finish even more.

We are anticipating the move by packing up all our books, and putting things in piles. I dislike the look of our apartment, but it is better than having to do all the packing at the last minute.

And that is all.

1 comment:

  1. When you get my age there are only a couple of days in each week... at least it seems that way.
    Hang in there, everything will work out.
