Monday, April 4, 2011

Can you read this?

I was told that the text on my blog was not very easy to read. So I am trying this new font. I think it is better, and still not boring...

In other news, today I called a gazillon doctors (a little bit dramatic, I know!). Jimmy and I are planning to move from VA to MA on the 12th-13th of May. We figured that since I will be 37ish weeks at that point that we shouldn't rush the driving, and make it a day long trip in the car. My full term pregnant body may not be able to handle all the sitting.

Anyways...because of the time period of this move I have been making plans and back-up plans. We have a doctor/hospital down here (in case she comes early), and a doctor/hospital up there. I am now working on getting our little Mini Coop her own doctor for here and up in MA. Just in case...

It makes me tired just thinking about it! But it will all work out in the end, I am sure of it. Jimmy tells me that Mini Coop has whispered to him the date that she will arrive. It is awfully unfair of him and her not to give me the heads up!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is easier to read. Don't believe everything Jimmy tells you... Mini-coop will determine when. Thanks for keeping us informed.
